


The 局 County Fairgrounds has been the entertainment center of 局 County for over 160 years. Since 1855 the 局 County Fair has been the place to enjoy meeting your friends and neighbors, 展示最好的家畜和家庭用品, 和全家人一起创造美好的回忆.

一年一度的局县博览会在8月下旬举行,为期五天. 在一年的其他时间里,集市不会闲置. 你可以在那里找到各种各样的枪支展览, 摩托车交换会, 跳蚤市场, 婚宴, 家畜、马匹表演和音乐活动. The three large heated exhibit halls are handicap accessible and are suitable for all kinds of events. There are several livestock buildings with indoor show rings and a large outdoor arena for horse shows.

市集由县农业局管理. 董事会由一名 终身会员 从县里的每个乡镇来. 因为有些乡镇没有终身会员, 协会iate directors are elected that may be from townships that already have a board member. 博览会董事会的所有成员全年工作,使博览会取得成功. From working in the concession stands to painting buildings or being a show superintendent, the volunteer fair board members work throughout the year to make the fairgrounds the place for you whole family to be entertained. The Fair has seen many changes since 1855 but the end goal is always the same – to create wonderful memories for everyone.



位置名字。电话位置电话 & 位置
执行. 秘书,活动经理凯西·鲍尔815-866-3606普林斯顿大学815-866-3606
协助. 秘书Deb冷却815-303-6010普林斯顿大学815-303-6010
超级. 的让步Deb冷却815-303-6010普林斯顿大学815-303-6010




协会. 导演凯尔洞穴普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演凯西·鲍尔普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演戴夫Diekemper普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演克里斯·卡尔普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演汤姆卡尔普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演唐娜·奥尔森拉德拉德
协会. 导演戴夫·米德普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演对此巴特勒普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演Alicyn奥尔森春谷春谷
协会. 导演马克·该隐普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演特拉维斯Hochstatter普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学
协会. 导演南希Monier胡桃木胡桃木
协会. 导演克里斯蒂Bischler亨利亨利


局县每个乡有一名主任,由县选举产生 生活的成员 在每年10月的年会上. 填补没有代表的乡镇的空缺, 有几个副主任的职位空缺. 要申请副总监的职位,你必须拥有一个 生活的会员 寄一封求职信到县博览会局, 邮政信箱238, 普林斯顿大学, IL 61356说明为什么你想成为董事会的一员. 这些活动可以在一年中的任何时间举行.


你可以成为历史悠久的县博览会的一部分. By purchasing a 生活的会员 for $175 you will receive a life-time admission pass to the fair for you and a guest. 您将能够参加年会并拥有投票权.


终身会员资格将承认所有者, 他或她的妻子或丈夫, 所有12岁以下的孩子都可以参加展会. If such owner is not married, their life member card will admit such owner and one guest. 终身会员卡赋予任何已故终身会员的配偶权利, 在他或她守寡期间, 享有终身会员的所有特权.



县博览会从1855年开始就有着令人惊叹的历史. A group of local men formed an agricultural society in June of 1855 and had their first Fair in October of 1856. The Fair has run continuously for 163 years with the exception of 1862 when it was cancelled due to the Civil War.

目前的Fairgrounds物业是1859年从Andrew Gosse手中购买的. 当时那处房产离城镇有半英里远. 最初的圆形剧场建于1870年. 它长128英尺,高22英尺,可容纳1500人. 建筑费用为1400美元. 看赛马的票定价为10美分.

展出的一些物品是扫帚, 蜜蜂的蜂巢, 木材的马车, 草拟马, 猪, 牛, 家禽, 室内装潢工作, 刺绣, 黄油, 谷物和蔬菜.

In 1874 A Bryant had a fruit display with many varieties of apples and Concord Grapes, 温室植物和松树. 在圆形剧场下面的库欣糖果雪茄摊位有15个,000蒲式耳的新鲜烤花生和上等雪茄出售.

In 1881 there was a contest to find the most beautiful lady and the homeliest man but it didn't list the winners. 1882年的娱乐项目是乘坐热气球和走绳子.

1890年,一个新的圆形剧场建成,长190英尺,高28英尺. 六年后,博览会欠下了1000美元的债务,以增加88英尺的扩建部分.

1903年,超过14000人参加了周四的博览会. There were over 1300 horse admission tickets sold at fifty cents each and 2300 tickets in the amphitheater at fifteen cents each. 这超过了当时局县总人口的三分之一.


1906年,汽车第一次被用来运送人群到集市. 单程收费15美分,往返收费25美分. As business grew more lively on Thursday morning the owners of the machines began to run them at higher rates of speed so they could make a greater number of trips. 在疯狂的商务活动中发生了几起小事故. At this time the machines ran from the east gate of the fairgrounds to the Main Street crossing. 一名司机只用了3分钟就走完了全程. Following the fair summons were issued by the City to the thirteen automobile owners who ran their machines at greater than eight miles an hour in violation of the city ordinance. 他们被罚款4美元.45. 不久,城际列车的轨道就铺设好了.


By 1909 there were 34 automobiles at the Fair and by 1912 that number had increased to 300. 莱特兄弟的飞机, 除去兄弟俩, 在1911年的博览会上飞行,但在着陆时遇到了一些问题. 中央铁路增加了特殊的火车车厢 & 从Neponset出发的Q铁路, 布达, 布拉德福德, 马登, 门多塔和希林想把大批人带到集市上来.

In 1926 three days of rain turned the grounds into a quagmire and knocked out all fair activities. 博览会欠了16500美元,所以他们想出了一个拯救博览会的计划. 终身会员的售价为每张25美元,这有助于减少债务.

首届公平女王比赛于1939年举行. 来自康科德镇的米尔德丽德·斯特劳德从那年参赛的24名女孩中脱颖而出.

赛尔谷仓建于1947年. In 1948 Tuesday was the day for the 4H show but by 1950 had moved to a week separate from the fair. The week after the Fair the west end of the Amphiteater was blown off of the foundation and out onto the highway.

The 100th Fair was held in 1955 and "a Rich Treat May Be Expected" The Centennial Parade was held on Tuesday night with the Great Lakes Naval 火车ing Band and Wave Drill team. 百年庆典持续了三个小时. 博览会的负责人也穿上了1855年的服装. 核桃镇的卡洛琳·威廉姆斯被任命为女王. 奖项颁给了一个参加过88次展览会的男人,第一次是在他3个月大的时候. Mr & 百岁太太是百岁先生 & 艾伯特·埃瓦尔特夫人,她已经在这里工作了56年. 1898年,他们穿着那周结婚的结婚礼服参加了博览会. 他们得到了一个大银托盘. 那周的一些娱乐活动是最棒的胡须大赛, 拖拉机牵引车, 投马蹄铁比赛, 轻驾车赛马, 还有一场绅士赛跑.

In 1961 the Lone Ranger and Silver performed and the first Rolle Bolle contest was held.

The first calf scramble was held in 1963 with the object of haltering and leading a calf out of the pen. 这位参赛者保留了这头小牛,并在第二年将其拍卖. 第二年开始了争夺女孩的猪比赛.


Harness racing remained popular for many years but was replaced by stock car racing in the 1980's. 拖拉机拉车和爆破德比比赛总是挤满了看台. 第125届博览会于1980年举行. 那周的一些娱乐节目是乔伊·奇伍德汽车刺激秀, 鼓号队, 世界轮滑锦标赛, 西部赛马表演和地滚球比赛. Barbara Mandrell and Moe Bandy entertained on stage with $5 ticket prices for the grandstand.

First State Bank donated their former drive up building to be used as a ticket booth by the grandstand in 1982. 它于2018年被一座新建筑所取代.

第140届局县博览会于1995年举行. "All Roads Lead to the Fair" was held on the Sunday before the Fair when antique cars, 摩托车, horses and a cavalcade of tractors came to the Fairgrounds from all points around the county. Thursday the WGN Radio farm show was held at the Fair with Orion Samuelson and his live band. Kachunga和鳄鱼表演是一个独特的免费场地景点. The Confederate Railroad band entertained everyone on Friday night and the Big Hat Rodeo filled the stands on Saturday night. The old Floral 大厅 building was filled to the brim with historical items from 局 County from farm to home and old Fair history.


New construction around the fairgrounds since the 140th Fair has included the hog and sheep barn which doubles as a winter storage location for boats and campers. The hospitality tent was finally replaced by a new metal building with a concrete floor and a stage and concession stand area. The box seats in front of the grandstand collapsed right before the 2017 fair and were replaced by a concrete floored structure. 2018年,从新的售票亭到大看台增加了混凝土人行道.

The entertainment at the 局 County Fair has been stellar over the many years going back to the WLS Barn Dance in 1948 and Brenda Lee in 1964. 布拉德·佩斯利(Brad Paisley)等大牌艺人曾在这里演出, 海滩男孩, 与乡村歌手肯尼·切斯尼, 约翰尼·卡什, 梅尔·拳手, 跟踪Adkins, 乔什•特纳, 马蒂·斯图尔特, 瑞奇Skaggs, 兰迪·特拉维斯, 斯塔特勒兄弟, 38特殊, 坦尼娅塔克, Tammy Wynette, 查理的骄傲, 比利·雷·塞勒斯, 布莱克·谢尔顿和橡树岭男孩只是举几个例子.

The 局 County Fair 董事会 works throughout the year to put on a great Fair each summer. 局县博览会有着辉煌的过去, 这涉及到正常的, 每天人, 制作一个节目来招待成千上万的朋友, 自1855年以来,每年都有亲戚和邻居. 通过他们多年的足智多谋, 大量的人群被娱乐,年复一年地回到集市. The Fairgrounds is also an entertainment venue throughout the rest of the year with events like the Sauk Trail Gun Show, 跳蚤市场, 婚宴, 家畜和马匹表演, 音乐会和更多的人挤满了场地.

